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The proposal seeks to find a unified and organic response to the different areas, through a design based on the reinterpretation of the “Po” landscape, characterised by the balance between cultivated fields, water networks and agricultural structures such as farmsteads, the latter characterised by significant roofings and delicate balances between interior and exterior and between relational spaces and operational areas.

A rediscovered Lombard landscape, based on the dialogue between the natural and the artificial components, where water is the qualifying and active element: moving from Lambretta Park, it conquers and involves the Crystal Palace, to reach the water tower square, where the existing tower, memory of a recent glorious past, dialogues with the large canopy of the building.

A single compositional solution organises the building, powerfully linking the new volume to the park project, in which the “Magnifica” forms a final theatrical backdrop and is also a suggestive incipit of the exploratory journey within the “magnificent” world of La ScalaTheatre.
The water tower, becomes a key element of this new landscape, of a new public space on which the entrances face.
For the expansion of Lambretta Park, a series of north-south backgrounds created by alternating tree-lined areas and open fields are imagined. The aim is to mark, measure and merge with the surrounding landscape.

An alternation of solids and voids finding wide-ranging environmental corridors and perspective views, such as in the case of the flowered field or in the case of denser and more shaded schemes, within whose mass there are small sports clearings and areas for urban agriculture.
An proposal for an overall redevelopment, which involves the areas close to the flyover where small pavilions will ge introduced which can be used for various types of association and sport activities and which will also be equipped with large pergolas capable of mitigating the visual impact of the flyover above and absorbing as much as possible the noise pollution it generates.

(Text by Neostudio – Eleonora Burlando, Riccardo Miselli and GGA Alice Gardini, Nicola Gibertini)


The project proposes a botanical choreography made up of 929 new trees planted using 35 different species, 147,000 new shrubs using 32 different species, 13,959 square meters of turf of which 6358 square meters are rustic flowering lawn.

The project aims at a CO2 assimilated amount for newly planted trees of 4.403 tons/year, for mature trees (after 20 years of planting) of 238.29 tons/year; for newly planted shrubs of 735 tons/year, for mature specimens (after 20 years of planting) of 3307 tons/year; for turf of 120.00 tons/year.

Data compiled according to research sources QUALIVIVA 2015, Institute of Biometeorology (IBIMET) of the CNR of BOLOGNA and CERTES Turf Research Centre University of Pisa



Acer x freeman, Acer negundo, Acer platanoides, Sorbus Aria, Sorbus aucuparia, Carpinus betulus, Fagus sylvatica zlatia, Fagus sylvatica roseomarginata, Fagus sylvatica atropurpurea, Fagus sylvatica “Purpurea Tricolor”, Ostrya carpinifolia, Pyrus calleryana ‘Chanticleer’, Gingko biloba, Sophora japonica, Prunus spinosa, Prunus serrulata “Accolade”, Prunus serrulata “Amanogawa”, Prunus subirthella “Autumnalis”, Prunus cerasifera “Pissardi”, Prunus serrulata “Kanzan”, Magnolia stellata, Magnolia x soulangeana, Magnolia liliflora “Nigra”, Magnolia “Yellow river”, Magnolia “Susan,” Malus “American Beauty,” Malus “Liset,” Malus “Evereste,” Malus “Golden Hornet,” Liquidambar styraciflua, Celtis australis



Cornus mas, Pyracantha coccinea, Euonymus europaeus, Laburnum anagyroides, Cornus Alba ‘Kesselringii’, Cornus stolonifera “Flaviramea”, Cornus Alba sibirica, Rose tappezzanti, Lonicera pileate, Pittosporum tobira “nanum”, Hypericum hookerianum ‘Hidcote’


Existing spontaneous vegetation

Ailanthus altisisma, Ficus carica, Pawlonia tomentosa, Prunus avium, Robina pseudoacacia

Buddleja davidii, Cornus saniguinea, Rosa canina, Rubus fruticosa, Sambucus nigra

Hypericum perforatum, Clematis vitalba, Hedera helix, Parthenocissus quinquefolia, Vitis, Wisteria sinensis


Rain Gardens

Amelanchier leavis “Sercice Berry”, Acer rubrum “Red Maple”, Acer negundo, Acer saccharinum “Laciniatum Wieri”, Magnolia virginiana “Moonglow”

Fothergilla gardenii (Dwarf Fothergilla), Indica Lagerstroemia, Elaeagnus angustifolia, Chimonatus praecox

Astilbe japonica, Lobelia siphilitica “Blue”, Amsonia ‘Blue Ice’, Lythrum salicaria


Aquatic plants

Callitritiche autumnalis, Ranunculus aquatis, Iris pseudocorus, Butomus Umbellatus, Schoenoplectus lacustris e mucronatus, Cyperus papyrus, Nynphaea in vr., Nelumbo nucifera, Nymphoides peltata

Alessandro Busci "La Magnifica_rosso" mixed technique on slab by Corten, 25 X 35 cm, 2022


Landscape Architect



Magnifica Fabbrica – La Scala Theatre Laboratories and Expansion of Lambretta Park, Milan

City of Milan




Design competition – finalist


City of Milan, Scala Theatre


170.000 mq


Neostudio Architetti Associati (Team leader), GGA – Alice Gardini, Nicola Gibertini Architects, Dodi Moss srl, Arch. Francesca Icardi, Arch. Mattia Bocchini (Young Professional)


Technion SPA (installations and facilities), Marianna Cavallotti (scenography), Stefania Toro (lighting), Linda Parati, Dario Paini (acoustics), Margherita Squeo, Luca Lunadei (graphics)


Luce Atelier


Alessandro Busci “La Magnifica_rosso” mixed technique on slab by Corten, 25 X 35 cm, 2022
